Friday, September 16, 2011

Sports Class

We just started something called "Multi-Sports" and your first class was today. I have to preface this letter by saying the following: I am not one of those mothers who think their child is an angel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (I'm not judging mothers that do, but recommending they seek therapy.) Of course, I am your biggest fan, but I will always be honest with you and everyone else. That said... YOU WERE THE BEST KID IN THE CLASS!!!

Just look at you attentively listening to Coach Derek, little hands behind your back.  While the other kids were running away from their parents or throwing tantrums (not judging, not judging, been there, done that), you followed every direction, cheered for your classmates, shared, gave the Coach high fives and impressed us all with your soccer skills.    

Coaches pet.  I am so proud of you, that I rocked this shirt your dad surprised me with last night...

HELL YEAH I'M YOUR MOM!  (I know nothing about soccer.)


  1. SOOOOO cute, and the shirt is seriously the most romantic gift ever. It sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm totally not.

  2. Ahh, love it! And your shirt is off the charts. The fun charts, not the crazy charts.
